Dr. ThurmThurms Loki Season 1 Review

Thurman Bryant
3 min readJul 18, 2021

Loki Season 1 has been a very entertaining ride filled with cool characters, set pieces, and ideas all capped off by a universe changing finale. It’s a must see for any Marvel fan and fairly accessible from the average viewers perspective. My excitement for Marvel content had waned recently but with the end of Loki I’m more invested than ever. Things will never be the same for the MCU. It feels like a whole new world of possibilities, and I can’t wait to see more from these characters.

Looking back on season 1 as a whole the story ended up being a little simpler than I perhaps originally thought it would be but that’s not a bad thing. It feels very focused in that the entire journey was paved to get our two anti-hero Loki’s in a meeting with the devil. And what a meeting it is. While I don’t think there’s anything here in terms of action set pieces that really stands out it’s all just a fun ride. It’s less about the action and more about watching these great characters maneuver around each other. How will Loki worm out of this situation. It’s also a great opportunity to see some unexplored areas of the MCU. What starts as a detective story turns into a road trip into the end of time and I was satisfied with nearly all of it.

All the actors do a really good job here. Tom Hiddleston of course brings his A-game and this is by far the most I’ve liked Loki as a character. He’s truly a changed man by the end of this journey and in a show filled with different variants of the same character our original trickster still shines. Sophia Martino is just as good playing Lady Loki and steals the show in most scenes she’s in. This character is clearly going to be an important part of the MCU moving forward. Then of course there’s fan favorite Mobius played by Owen Wilson who is perfect as the dry every man next to the charismatic trickster. Owen Wilson is a calm presence in every scene and really puts cold-water over all Loki’s scheming. Their growing friendship is awesome to watch. And then there’s Jonathan Majors. I won’t spoil much but I will say that this actor shows up in the final episode as a character of extreme importance. He gets about thirty minutes of screen time, and every word is riveting. It’s one of the best performances I’ve seen in the MCU and we are seemingly in for A LOT more. I’m not even mentioning the other Loki variants that pop up that are incredibly compelling as well. Fingers crossed for more alligator Loki.

While everything I’ve said is positive, I still think there’s a little something missing from this show. What exactly would have put this over the top I’m not sure but I’m not going to say everything here is riveting. There are parts where the story kind of meanders and that’s fine. Nothing here is bad but not everything is amazing or even needed. Any complaint would be a nitpick but for the sake of ranking it amongst other Marvel content I must take it all into account. It’s all still a Marvel fantasy and that comes with some inherent silliness you have to move past. Still though I loved this show I just don’t think everything here is necessary sometimes.

Loki season 1 gets a very strong recommendation from me for Marvel fans and casual viewers alike. The great performances, characters, and ideas are enough to satisfy anyone looking for a fun adventure. I can’t wait to see more in season 2 and what’s next for the MCU at large.

