Dr ThurmThurm’s Gundam Hathaway Review

Thurman Bryant
2 min readJul 5, 2021

Gundam Hathaway is one of the most beautifully animated and intense Gundam experiences out there. While I was admittedly overwhelmed by some of its grand lore I found myself more captivated with each passing minute. The animation is just on another level. Every color pops. Every movement is fluid. For this alone it’s a must see but the characters really stand out for me as well. It’s kind of like an anime James Bond with mechs which is just fucking awesome.

If you’re new to Gundam this may be a lot to take in. I haven’t seen anywhere close to the full catalogue of Gundam material, but I’m experienced enough to know what to expect. Even I was a bit lost when they casually refer to history more hardcore fans will likely understand. That said I still don’t think it’s inaccessible for the less initiated as long as you just go along for the ride. What I didn’t understand actually just made me more interested in the larger world around the story which is compelling in it’s own right.

The story centers on a mysterious character named Hathaway who comes off as very quiet but highly effective. Like a globe-trotting spy in a sci fi mecha universe. We follow him as he seemingly gets swept up in a dangerous terrorist plot. He doesn’t even pilot a Gundam until late in the film but by the time he does we already get the sense that he’s far more dangerous than he’s letting on. There’s a sequence towards the middle where it focuses on him and another character as massive Gundam’s are fighting and destroying the city all around them. It’s terrifying and stunning to watch. It’s dark so the colors flash and illuminate the sleek silhouettes of the mechs and it makes these giant mechs look like glowing neon demons in the night. It’s fucking great. Sequences like this are scattered throughout the film and are going to stick with me for a while just because of how beautifully animated they are.

This is the first of three panned films and by the end of it’s hour and half runtime I was salivating for more. I want to see a lot more of these characters and this animation style in action. Gundam Hathaway gets a very strong recommendation from me for anime fans and causal viewers as well.

